The Ancient Art of B2B Marketing: Sales Pipelines and Charisma Potions

Written by Luke

June 26, 2023

Well, now that we have an office it seems fitting that we make an honest attempt at generating profits. We certainly have our priorities straight and the cart just appears to be a couple of miles ahead of the horse. But, don't fret! For we have learned the ancient knowledge passed down from finance bro to finance bro: the sales pipeline.

Before this knowledge fell into our laps we went door to door without any sort of prepared sales pitch, failed to get contact info, and then moseyed on over to the neighboring business to do it all again. We needed a change.

This began with learning what the foundational goal of any interaction with a business is: gaining the contact info of a decision-maker or owner.

By understanding the goal of the conversation at hand, we were able to navigate an otherwise aimless interaction with employees who may or may not have an interest in or the ability to procure our services.

With a list of leads and contact info, we were able to design and execute our sales pipeline which consists of a series of phone calls and emails that attempt to secure interest from a lead and ensure that all leads are worked and no one is left uncontacted.

For our purposes of door-to-door sales pitches, our pipeline is rather simple consisting of a follow-up, an email drip, and finally with receiving our monthly newsletter from then on out. As operations grow or just generally pivot away from door-to-door sales, more robust systems like trigger events may be implemented.